The Security of Everything
Unless you’ve been out of contact with civilisation for the…
August 31, 2018/by Prophecy
Incident Management from a CISO’s Perspective
Incident management isn’t too far from most CISOs’ minds…
August 7, 2018/by Steve Challans
Is Your Security Software Secure?
It seems like a silly question but how many companies take the…
June 18, 2018/by Prophecy
Fear not, Snare is not affected by POODLE
The POODLE attack (which stands for "Padding Oracle On Downgraded…
October 31, 2014/by Prophecy
The Bash vulnerability and how it affects the Snare product suite
All versions of the Snare Server prior to v6.3.5 are running…
September 26, 2014/by Prophecy
Solutionary First MSSP to Offer Integrated Endpoint Security Monitoring Using Intersect Alliance Snare Enterprise Agent for Windows
The Prophecy International Holdings Group (ASX:PRO) is pleased…
May 15, 2014/by Prophecy