How to Safeguard Your Cybersecurity Supply Chain

From the rise of generative AI to increased attack surfaces, we all understand the importance of maintaining a solid cybersecurity capability and staying up to date with the latest attack vectors and threats. The challenge is preserving a secure posture across a cyber supply chain that includes multiple third-party suppliers. 

A cyber supply chain incorporates a series of complex interactions throughout the lifecycle of all products and services used by an organization. Each interaction with a supplier, manufacturer, distributor, or retailer introduces inherent risks. This means your suppliers can impact the security of your organization’s systems and their own products or services. When products or services access critical systems, operate with privileged access, or control significant portions of the cyber supply chain, they may present vulnerabilities that malicious actors could exploit, potentially leading to widespread and damaging consequences. Faced with this operating landscape, the big question is simply: “Whom do I trust?”