About Prophecy

This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Prophecy contributed 33 entries already.

Entries by Prophecy

State OIT Security Challenges and How to Solve Them

State Governments manage and must protect a wide range of citizen information from cyber security threats, including credit card records, personal health information, employment records, revenue and tax information and election systems. With much of this information available online, State Departments and Agencies are a primary target for cyber-thieves. A 2017 cybersecurity report compiled by Verizon […]

The Security of Everything

Unless you’ve been out of contact with civilisation for the last few years, you’ll know about the Internet of Things (IoT). Just to catch you up, it’s the advent of a myriad of devices which are not only connected to the internet but also, in many cases, generate data. What sort of devices? Think about […]